TOSMOS Mount A is the community of students, faculty, staff , alumni and community member around the Mount Allison area to collaborate and share resources.
Buy & Sell with 100% guarantee of receiving your item bought or money back. We have integrated security that facilitates this process.
Find an apartments, co-tenants, and sublet your apartment.
Find events by students, the university and community of Sackville.
Students, staff, alumni who registered on the TOSMOS with valid email address can use our marketplace functionality. If you are a business owner and want to sell products or/and services to our community please contact us.
Information about this can be found on your dashboard (after registering). On the left-hand side you’d see “Marketplace” Click on it and you’ll see a drop-down option that says “Payment Method”
Yes, you can get a refund after purchasing an item from the seller only if you haven’t provided the seller with the unique ID in your order confirmation email.
Simple go to contact us to request a refund.
You’d get an email from us with the subject line “Someone Bought your Listed Item”. It’ll contain the name, email, and phone number of the person that bought your item.
Yes! You are responsible for contacting the buyer and delivering the item sold. Please note that you are required to collect a unique code from the buyer’s email only upon delivering the item. The unique code starts with a “#TO”. You are required to take the code and put it onto the platform and that is how we verify you delivered the item. Also, that’s how the payment gets sent to you.
It’s open to the public anyone can buy your item.
Inform the buyer that you no longer have it and tell them to contact us and we’ll immediately issue them a refund. We also encourage you to delete listings that you no longer have from the platform.
There are no fees to join the community. Register for free.
You absolutely can as far as you use your email to register! Once a Mountie always a Mountie.
We are not affiliated with Mount Allison University and only serve as a resource for the students and staff at the institution